The First R in Jorris Resilience
“Gymming” Helps The Big R.
Every one of us, if we live long enough, will face challenges in life. I know I had my share of them. I always try to have a mindset of being invincible, like superman. It is no secret that Superman happens to be my favorite superhero. I walk with an understanding that if I keep a positive mindset across all my challenges, that I will pull out successfully on the other side. A positive attitude along with mental toughness are some of the main ingredients to being resilient.
Through countless projects and tasks over my long career, I have been constantly tested. I have, at a very young age, gained a complete understanding that results are binary, delivered or not, a success or a failure. The system works or does not. The deliverables are on time and correct or not. I have learned over the years that keeping an edge towards work is the best way to have that readiness for unanticipated challenges.
Physical training can help your mind to fight through mental challenges. Playing baseball and now going to the gym really helps me prepare for life and work challenges.
Working out with Jordin